
Ministering To Our Congregation

There is a place for you and every member of your family on Sunday at 10:00 AM. From newborn to the most mature age, Sunday School offers sound, age-appropriate Bible teaching and is home base for relationship-building fellowship and caring ministry.



We provide a nursery for every service. Your little ones will love our nursery! The nursery is open for every service so that you can enjoy the preaching and teaching. You may keep your child with you in the service or to be in the nursery with your child if you would like or feel the need to do so.

Sunday School: (2-5 Years Old)

Sunday School: (2-5 Years Old)

The children in the pre-school class, ages 2-5 year olds hear the wonderful Bible stories of the Old and New Testament. They play games, sing songs and do crafts that reinforce the Bible lessons. New Bible verses and Faith Words are learned each month and they are encouraged to share what they have learned in class with their family and friends.

Sunday School: (6 & 7 Years Old)

Sunday School: (6 & 7 Years Old)

Our elementary age kids, ages 6 & 7, really enjoy being in Sunday School! There are engaging lessons and activities that make class fun. The aim in studying the Bible is so the children will know what it means to know, love and serve God. Hiding God's Word in our hearts through Bible memory, is just one of the ways they learn.The goal is to build a foundation for Christian living so others will see Jesus in us and come to know Him too.

Sunday School: (8-10 Years Old)

Sunday School: (8-10 Years Old)

Besides the Bible lessons, Juniors, ages 8-10 years old, participate in a variety of activities that help them remember Bible facts and truths and how they can be applied in everyday life. The students share in a discussion to answer the questions posed during the lesson.

Sunday School: (Teens)

Sunday School: (Teens)

Being a teenager can be difficult, from figuring out who you are, to navigating life at school, home and on social media. Your teenager will enjoy Sunday School because the Bible lessons are taught in a way to help them figure out how to apply them to their daily life and to learn that we are created to pursue an authentic relationship with our Creator; that we belong to Jesus Christ; and that we exist to demonstrate everyday, God's love to a broken world

Sunday School: (Adults)

Sunday School: (Adults)

There is never a good time to stop learning. That is why we have Sunday School class for adults as well. There is always something new and wondrous to discover about our Creator. This class is taught mostly by Pastor Utley who is a seasoned Bible teacher and is able to make the truth real and applicable.

Ministering To Our Community

Grief Share

Grief Share

Help and encouragement after the death of a loved one. GriefShare is a special weekly seminar and support group designed to help you rebuild your life. We know it hurts, and we want to help.

Capital City Rescue Mission

Capital City Rescue Mission

We are helping homeless and hurting men, women and children in Albany, NY find the help and support they need to change their lives.

Ministering To The Continents

Scripture Publishing Ministry

Seedline is a means for the local church to have hands on involvement with Bible publishing for the world. This is accomplished by taking the printed page and collating it, folding the covers, putting the Scripture in the cover, stapling it, cutting the book and boxing them for the Field. This ministry is simple, rewarding and Biblical. This ministry is involved in the purchase, assembly, and distribution of God's Word as part of Bearing Precious Seed.

There are Two ways to be a part of this Ministry:

  1. Show up and put your hands to the work. Every Tuesday Evening from 7:00 - 8:00pm. Good fellowship is had by all.
  2. Most of the expense is absorbed because of all the volunteers, but paper, ink, packing and sometimes shipping all have to be paid for. Anything you could GIVE would surely be a blessing!
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